Attorney Sara Watkins has been appointed to the steering committee for Suboxone. Read More Here.

Medication errors and Pennsylvania nursing home neglect

Nursing home neglect can happen in so many different ways in Pennsylvania. One of the most common ways that it manifests is in the form of medication errors. Unfortunately, in these cases, drugs that are intended to maintain a nursing home resident's health are not prescribed correctly or are administered -- or not administered -- in a negligent way. Sadly, the result is often injury or even death.

A medication error usually involves too little, too much or an incorrect type of a medication being administered. At a nursing home, nurses and doctors are responsible for the medical care of the residents living at the facility. When one of these employees fails to appropriately administer a patient's medication -- either out of negligence or otherwise -- the care providers and the nursing facility may be liable for any injuries that the patient suffers.

Unfortunately, a lot of Pennsylvania nursing homes employ doctors and nurses who are overworked, undertrained or both. This is a treacherous situation when it comes to accurately reading an individual's medical chart, counting out pills and providing the correct dosage of medications at specifically designated times. Indeed, the smallest misstep could result in death or injury.

If you or your loved one has been the victim of medication errors at a Pennsylvania nursing facility, it is vital to seek medical attention immediately to evaluate injuries and determine the best course of action to recover from any resulting injuries. Those who are hurt by medication errors -- and family members of those who are killed -- may also want to consider pursuing a civil claim for damages. If successfully navigated, a claim of this type could be instrumental in victims obtaining sufficient funds to pay for medical expenses and other financial losses related to their recoveries.

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