Attorney Sara Watkins has been appointed to the steering committee for Suboxone. Read More Here.

My Child Was Born With a Birth Defect: What Are My Next Steps?

Baby with hospital band on wrist

According to the CDC, “About one in every 33 babies is born with a defect.” Birth defects are the structural changes of a baby’s body that can affect any part of its functions. They usually happen within the first three months of the mother’s pregnancy, but some can occur later. If your child is born with a birth defect, your first step should be to seek medical treatment.

Seek Treatment

Treatment options for the baby depend on their diagnosis and conditions. Some mild birth defects are treatable with time, while others may impact a child for the rest of their life. You must speak with your doctor about proper treatment for your baby’s condition as it could worsen. Some common treatments include:

  • Medications - Doctors may prescribe medications to lower your baby’s risk of complications.
  • Surgeries - Surgeries can either fix some defects or reduce the risk of complications depending on your baby's condition. Surgeries are common for babies with physical and heart defects.

Get The Family Support

You want to be there to support your baby, but you and your family deserve some support too. During this difficult time, it's recommended to consider seeing a therapist or joining a support group, as it’s hard to care for your child when you aren’t in the right mindset. Other forms of aid like social workers and nurse coordinators can also take some stress off your hands during this challenging time. Speak with your doctor about local support groups and counselors at your next visit.

Secure Financial Support

Once your baby’s injuries have been diagnosed, your doctor will likely recommend a multitude of treatments to better their condition. However, the cost of treatments can add up, and you shouldn’t be left to worry about the bill. Our birth injury lawyers can assist your family with recovering compensation so your baby can receive the best care possible.

If you’re considering filing a birth injury lawsuit, speak with the Robert Peirce & Associates, P.C. team today for a free consultation. Our team will provide you with honest input on your situation and what steps you should take next after diagnosis. If you’re ready to start your case, give us a call at (844) 383-0565 or fill out this page on our website.