Attorney Sara Watkins has been appointed to the steering committee for Suboxone. Read More Here.

Options for Dealing With a Suspended Driver's License

While it may seem like the suspension of your driver's license is the end of the world, it is important to know that you have options to protect your privilege to drive. With the help of an experienced attorney, you can petition the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDot) for an Occupational Limited License.

Pennsylvania Driver's License Suspension Law

PennDot has the legal authority to both grant and take away a person's privilege to drive a motor vehicle. PennDot may suspend a person's driving privileges for a variety of conduct, including the accumulation of points against a person's driver's license, a conviction for a serious moving violation, or a conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

How Can an Attorney Help?

If PennDot suspends your driver's license, you may be eligible to obtain a provisional license, called an Occupational Limited License (OLL). An OLL allows a person to drive when necessary to travel to work, medical treatment or school.

The first step in obtaining an OLL is to complete an Occupational Limited License Petition (form DL-15). A lawyer can assist you in completing and filing your DL-15 petition and represent you in an appeal should PennDot deny your petition.

How to Obtain a Provisional License

People who want to maintain their driving privileges during the license suspension period must send the following items to the PennDot office in Harrisburg at least 20 days prior to their suspensions:

  • An Occupational Limited License Petition (form DL-15)
  • A check or money order
  • Proof of automobile insurance

PennDot will inform you in writing whether you qualify for an OLL. If it denies your petition, you may file a petition with PennDot for an administrative appeals hearing.

Even if PennDot has already suspended your license, you can still apply for an OLL. You should follow the above-mentioned steps and should not drive until you receive an OLL.

Who Can Get a Provisional License?

Only a person with a suspended driver's license may petition PennDot for an OLL. PennDot will grant an OLL only after it suspends a driver's license; it will not grant an OLL after a revocation, disqualification, cancellation or recall. In addition, convictions for certain criminal charges bar you from obtaining an OLL. You also may obtain only one OLL every five years.

If PennDot has suspended your driver's license, an experienced attorney can help you explore your options, including obtaining an Occupational Limited License.

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