Attorney Sara Watkins has been appointed to the steering committee for Suboxone. Read More Here.

Teenage soccer girl's head injury leads to lawsuit against coach

The parents of a Chester County girl who was injured during a high school soccer practice are suing the coach and school for negligence, according to CBS Philadelphia. The lawsuit claims that after the girl was hit in the head after a collision with another player the coach forced her to continue playing despite concerns that the girl might have suffered a concussion. The case is an important reminder to parents of the liability issues that may arise when their children are injured.

Complaints of concussion

The injury occurred in 2012 during soccer practice at the girl's high school. According to the lawsuit, the girl was in tears following the collision, but the coach ordered her to keep playing. She later suffered headaches and vision problems which her parents say persist to this day. They also claim that the injury may have prevented her from getting an athletic scholarship.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, the opposing coach was overheard saying that the girl should be taken out of the game and given medical attention. Additionally, one of the girl's teammates told their coach that the girl should not be allowed to continue playing. However, the coach, who the lawsuit says has a reputation for being tough on players, required the girl to continue playing.

Pennsylvania concussion law

The lawsuit claims that by ignoring calls for the girl to be removed from the game, the coach violated Pennsylvania's Safety in Youth Sports Act. That law requires children to be removed from a game and receive medical attention if they show signs of a concussion.

While Pennsylvania law typically makes it difficult to hold school districts and their employees responsible for injuries suffered by children, the parents in this case filed their lawsuit in federal court where the laws may be more favorable to them. That choice is an important reminder for other parents to keep in mind who may feel they are overly constrained by the state's liability laws when their children are injured due to the negligence of a school official.

Legal ramifications involving child injuries

As the above case shows, negligence by people responsible for ensuring the safety of children can lead to serious injuries. Parents of a child who was injured because of such negligence are likely to be understandably confused and angry about how such an injury could have happened.

However, parents of an injured child need not feel helpless in holding negligent parties accountable for the pain and suffering their child has been forced to endure. Such parents should contact an experienced personal injury law firm as soon as possible. A qualified attorney can help families decide what legal options may be open to them and whether compensation can be sought to help their children on their road to recovery.

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