Attorney Sara Watkins has been appointed to the steering committee for Suboxone. Read More Here.

Signs of Sexual Abuse in Children

Child crying into hands sitting in between pillars

Before we jump into details about this subject, we want to give a brief trigger warning to readers as some of the content in this blog is upsetting. However, we do hope this blog raises attention, including the prevention of sexual assault within the Pennsylvania community and more.

It’s not always easy to spot sexual abuse in children, as offenders will do their best to keep their victims silent. However, some signs are easier to see than others. This blog will discuss physical, emotional, and behavioral warning signs of sexual abuse in children.


The physical signs of sexual abuse may be the most outwardly accessible signs. One of the biggest things to look out for is unexplained bleeding or bruising of the genital areas, including blood on the child’s sheets or underwear. On top of that, if you suspect a child has been sexually abused, a doctor can assist by running tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).


No one knows a child better than their parent. If you notice a change in your child’s emotional state, you should keep an eye out for other red flags, including:

  • Loss of interest in hobbies
  • Excessive nightmares
  • Excessive worrying
  • Lack of communication


Lastly, a child’s behavior is most likely to change after becoming a victim of sexual assault. A child’s behavior speaks louder than words sometimes, so it’s best to keep an eye out for what your child discusses or does. If your child:

  • Excessively discusses sexually explicit topics
  • Refuses to bathe
  • Displays regressive behaviors
  • Is afraid of being left alone

If your intuition is telling you something is wrong, chances are you may be right. If you are unsure if you should report this to a local law enforcement officer, we recommend seeking a local sexual assault service provider to see what your next steps should be.

Sexual Abuse and Assault Lawyers

If it is true that your child has been sexually abused, you have grounds for seeking justice. As difficult as this process may be, the Robert Peirce & Associates, P.C. team is here to help you close this chapter.

When you and your loved one are ready to take the next step, contact our legal firm at (844) 383-0565 or fill out a consultation request form on our Contact Us page to get connected with a lawyer.

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